Monday, December 31, 2018

In any case, I am happy that we met

My name is Bella. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

    Length, Breadth, and Thickness, and is always definable by

    we can represent a figure of a three-dimensional solid, and

    geometry of Four Dimensions for some time. Some of my results

    were, Three-Dimensional representations of his Four-Dimensioned

    well that Time is only a kind of Space. Here is a popular

    finger shows the movement of the barometer. Yesterday it was so

    and so gently upward to here. Surely the mercury did not trace

    The Time Traveller smiled. Are you sure we can move freely in was under attack! Change your access data!


    As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
    This means that I have full access to your account.

    I've been watching you for a few months now.
    The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.

    If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
    Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
    This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

    I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.

    Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
    Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.

    I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
    With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks. I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.

    If you want to prevent this, transfer the amount of $586 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: “Buy Bitcoin”).

    My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 18eBGkYam1wjz1S77jz3VmADuYYFzhA3vB

    After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
    I give you 48 hours to pay.
    I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.

    Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
    I do not make any mistakes.

    If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.

    Best wishes!

    Sunday, December 30, 2018

    It is the web-store with the best ones!

    Afraid of awkward situations? Cialis Super Active won't let you down!

    We are the largest online store!


    Unsubscribe from this letter here

    Saturday, December 29, 2018

    I really need help

    My name is Ava. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

      And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

      Scientific people, proceeded the Time Traveller, after the

      patents, embraced and caressed us rather than submitted to be sat

      thought roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision. And


      Nor, having only length, breadth, and thickness, can a cube

      Filby became pensive. Clearly, the Time Traveller proceeded,

      dimensions, three which we call the three planes of Space, and a

      Now, it is very remarkable that this is so extensively

      You will have a lot of nights filled with heat!

      Chose ED medication of new generation!

      Everything you need is on our site!


      Unsubscribe from this letter here

      Friday, December 28, 2018

      If all men were the same as you...

      My name is Bella. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

      And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

      he put it to us in this way--marking the points with a lean

      animated. The fire burned brightly, and the soft radiance of the

      patents, embraced and caressed us rather than submitted to be sat


      You know of course that a mathematical line, a line of thickness

      NIL, has no real existence. They taught you that? Neither has

      a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.

      him) was expounding a recondite matter to us. His grey eyes

      Make nights enjoyable again!

      Realize your dormant temper. Buy Cialis Brand.

      We have a tremendous assortment!


      Unsubscribe from this letter here

      Sunday, December 23, 2018

      We will help you to improve.

      Demand is higher. Prices are lower. Cialis Brand.

      Over a thousand names in our shop!


      Unsubscribe from this letter here

      Saturday, December 22, 2018

      Prove her that you are an outstanding guy

      Every evening � a pleasant meeting! Cialis Brand.

      On out site you will find the cure!


        Unsubscribe from this letter here

        Thursday, December 20, 2018

        Oh, it seems I'm ready to be yours today.

        My name is Olivia. Its my first time in your city, and I need help...

        And .... I love sex very much. Can we meet? Here is my profile and contacts.

        for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a


        animated. The fire burned brightly, and the soft radiance of the

        You must follow me carefully. I shall have to controvert one

        or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. The geometry,

        a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.

        So most people think. But wait a moment. Can an

        Filby became pensive. Clearly, the Time Traveller proceeded,

        Tuesday, December 18, 2018

        Wow, what a handsome...

        I'm a real girl. I really love sex. Want to meet me? Maybe you want to fuuuck me ...?

        Ok, here you can find my phone and just write me when you want. Anytime.
        And you can see some of my private photos there.

        forefinger--as we sat and lazily admired his earnestness over

        Is not that rather a large thing to expect us to begin upon?

        a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.

        So most people think. But wait a moment. Can an

        Filby became pensive. Clearly, the Time Traveller proceeded,

        dimensions, three which we call the three planes of Space, and a

        Now, it is very remarkable that this is so extensively

        Fourth Dimension, though some people who talk about the Fourth

        Monday, December 17, 2018

        Let's try to get to know each other?

        I'm a real girl. I really love sex. Want to meet me? Maybe you want to fuuuck me ...?

        Ok, here you can find my phone and just write me when you want. Anytime.

        And you can see some of my private photos there.

        Not exactly, said the Medical Man. There are balloons.

        the Medical Man.

        immaterial and have no dimensions, are passing along the

        That is the germ of my great discovery. But you are wrong to

        staying six feet above the ground. But a civilized man is better

        off than the savage in this respect. He can go up against

        the Time-Dimension, or even turn about and travel the other way?

        What reason? said the Time Traveller.

        Thursday, December 13, 2018

        Oh, it looks like you're an athlete.

        I'm a real girl. I really love sex. Want to meet me? Maybe you want to fuuuck me ...?

        Ok, here you can find my phone and just write me when you want. Anytime.
        And you can see some of my private photos there.

        travelling, in a half-jocular spirit. The Editor wanted that

        explained to him, and the Psychologist volunteered a wooden

        animated. The fire burned brightly, and the soft radiance of the

        that flashed and passed in our glasses. Our chairs, being his

        this new paradox (as we thought it:) and his fecundity.

        said Filby, an argumentative person with red hair.

        I do not mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable

        have a real existence.

        Sunday, December 9, 2018

        Friday, December 7, 2018

        How about to meet a hot girl?

        I'm a real girl. I really love sex. Want to meet me? Maybe you want to fuuuck me ...?

        Ok, here you can find my phone and just write me when you want. Anytime. And you can see some of my private photos there.

        Little-go. The German scholars have improved Greek so much.

        Then there is the future, said the Very Young Man. Just

        upon, and there was that luxurious after-dinner atmosphere when

        thought roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision. And

        upon, and there was that luxurious after-dinner atmosphere when

        for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a

        NIL, has no real existence. They taught you that? Neither has

        That is all right, said the Psychologist.

        Sunday, December 2, 2018

        Security Alert. was compromised. Password must be changed.


        I have very bad news for you.
        09/08/2018 - on this day I hacked your OS and got full access to your account

        So, you can change the password, yes... But my malware intercepts it every time.

        How I made it:
        In the software of the router, through which you went online, was a vulnerability.
        I just hacked this router and placed my malicious code on it.
        When you went online, my trojan was installed on the OS of your device.

        After that, I made a full dump of your disk (I have all your address book, history of viewing sites, all files, phone numbers and addresses of all your contacts).

        A month ago, I wanted to lock your device and ask for a not big amount of btc to unlock.
        But I looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and I was shocked by what I saw!!!
        I'm talk you about sites for adults.

        I want to say - you are a BIG pervert. Your fantasy is shifted far away from the normal course!

        And I got an idea....
        I made a screenshot of the adult sites where you have fun (do you understand what it is about, huh?).
        After that, I made a screenshot of your joys (using the camera of your device) and glued them together.
        Turned out amazing! You are so spectacular!

        I'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.
        I think $733 is a very, very small amount for my silence.
        Besides, I have been spying on you for so long, having spent a lot of time!

        Pay ONLY in Bitcoins!
        My BTC wallet: 182PJESsEWbuJ8PEgfM58p64jbok3i1gNU

        You do not know how to use bitcoins?
        Enter a query in any search engine: "how to replenish btc wallet".
        It's extremely easy

        For this payment I give you two days (48 hours).
        As soon as this letter is opened, the timer will work.

        After payment, my virus and dirty screenshots with your enjoys will be self-destruct automatically.
        If I do not receive from you the specified amount, then your device will be locked, and all your contacts will receive a screenshots with your "enjoys".

        I hope you understand your situation.
        - Do not try to find and destroy my virus! (All your data, files and screenshots is already uploaded to a remote server)
        - Do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, I sent you an email from your account)
        - Various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help, since your data is already on a remote server.

        P.S. You are not my single victim. so, I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment!
        This is the word of honor hacker

        I also ask you to regularly update your antiviruses in the future. This way you will no longer fall into a similar situation.

        Do not hold evil! I just do my job.
        Good luck.

        Monday, November 19, 2018 - this account has been hacked! Change all your passwords!


        I have bad news for you.
        19/07/2018 - on this day I hacked your operating system and got full access to your account

        It is useless to change the password, my malware intercepts it every time.

        How it was:
        In the software of the router to which you were connected that day, there was a vulnerability.
        I first hacked this router and placed my malicious code on it.
        When you entered in the Internet, my trojan was installed on the operating system of your device.

        After that, I made a full dump of your disk (I have all your address book, history of viewing sites, all files, phone numbers and addresses of all your contacts).

        A month ago, I wanted to lock your device and ask for a small amount of money to unlock.
        But I looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and came to the big delight of your favorite resources.
        I'm talking about sites for adults.

        I want to say - you are a big, big pervert. You have unbridled fantasy!!!

        After that, an idea came to my mind.
        I made a screenshot of the intimate website where you have fun (you know what it is about, right?).
        After that, I made a screenshot of your joys (using the camera of your device) and joined all together.
        It turned out beautifully, do not doubt.

        I am strongly belive that you would not like to show these pictures to your relatives, friends or colleagues.
        I think $793 is a very small amount for my silence.
        Besides, I spent a lot of time on you!

        I accept money only in Bitcoins.
        My BTC wallet: 1H9bS7Zb6LEANLkM8yiF8EsoGEtMEeLFvC

        You do not know how to replenish a Bitcoin wallet?
        In any search engine write "how to send money to btc wallet".
        It's easier than send money to a credit card!

        For payment you have a little more than two days (exactly 50 hours).
        Do not worry, the timer will start at the moment when you open this letter. Yes, yes .. it has already started!

        After payment, my virus and dirty photos with you self-destruct automatically.
        Narrative, if I do not receive the specified amount from you, then your device will be blocked, and all your contacts will receive a photos with your "joys".

        I want you to be prudent.
        - Do not try to find and destroy my virus! (All your data is already uploaded to a remote server)
        - Do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, I sent you an email from your account)
        - Various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.

        P.S. I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment, as you are not my single victim.
        This is a hacker code of honor.

        From now on, I advise you to use good antiviruses and update them regularly (several times a day)!

        Don't be mad at me, everyone has their own work.

        Monday, July 30, 2018

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        Tuesday, July 3, 2018

        Baldness Cure has arrived

        For years, Grace Silva had experienced odd directed episodes with her throat bouts of smith swelling and radiating that seemed to essential resolve with antibiotics but her doctors nanny couldnt explain what was wrong. Finally, after infection a flare-up in the summer of 2010, acceptably Grace was referred to a specialist, an riot ear who felt something amiss on burr the left side of her throat: a partisan lump. The Silva family agreed that it cylinder was time to get Grace, then 54, pinnacle to a thyroid specialist. Graces daughter Melanie lug tracked down the name of one at genetics Brigham and Womens Hospital, a 90-minute drive respectively from Graces brown clapboard split-level near New howl Bedford, Mass. In September 2010, the specialist prude delivered the : anaplastic thyroid . It consequently was bad, he warned her, and she hypnotic would need . Graces other daughter, Karrie, weeds was marrying in a few weeks. Cant dysfunction it wait? Grace asked. It could not. footing And whatever you do, the specialist said, pronounced please dont look it up on the kwa Internet. Medical texts describe the prognosis for victim anaplastic thyroid as poor, but that alpine hardly captures it. If every has combustible a personality, this one is notoriously aggressive.

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        betrayed him? Is that a French custom, or is it one of the laws of the human heart? A man who loves deeply, as deeply as Raoul loves Mademoiselle de la Valliere, finishes by forgetting the fault or crime of the woman he loves; but I do not yet know whether Raoul will be able to forget. I will see after that. Have you anything further to say about your friend? No; that is all. Well, then, now for M. Fouquet. What do you wish me to do for him? To keep him on as surintendant, in the capacity in which he hascareful with regard to the watchfulness of the latter, said Aramis; she is sincerely attached to the actual king. The eyes of a woman who loves are not easily deceived. She is fair, has blue eyes, whose affectionate gaze reveals her identity. She halts slightly in her gait; she writes a letter every day, to which I have to send an answer by M. de SaintAignan. Do you know the latter? As if I saw him, and I know the last verses he composed for me, as well as those I composed in answer to his. Very will not do me the injustice to suppose that I think you have no interest in this affair. Therefore, without subterfuge or hesitation, tell me the truth I will do so, monseigneur. Once a king When will that be? Tomorrow eveningI mean in the night. Explain yourself. When I shall have asked your highness a question. Do so. I sent to your highness a man in my confidence with instructions to deliver some closely written notes, carefully drawn up, which will thoroughly acquaint your highness with the
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        Monday, July 2, 2018

        Invitation to buy shares in WikiSoft Corp

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        Read full article in Yahoo Finance

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        Saturday, June 30, 2018

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        Friday, June 22, 2018

        Top 12 Highest Paying URL Shortener 2018: Best URL Shortener to Earn Money


 provides a big opportunity for earning money by shortening links. It is a rapidly growing URL Shortening Service. You simply need to sign up and start shrinking links. You can share the shortened links across the web, on your webpage, Twitter, Facebook, and more. provides detailed statistics and easy-to-use API.
          It even provides add-ons and plugins so that you can monetize your WordPress site. The minimum payout is $5 before you will be paid. It pays users via PayPal or Payoneer. It has the best market payout rates, offering unparalleled revenue. also run a referral program wherein you can earn 20% extra commission for life.

 is the oldest and one of the most trusted URL Shortener Service for making money by shrinking your links. provides you an opportunity to earn up to $5 per 1000 views. However, the earnings depend upon the demographics of users who go on to click the shortened link by
          It offers a very comprehensive reporting system for tracking the performance of your each shortened URL. The minimum payout is kept low, and it is $5. It pays on 10th of every month. You can receive your earnings via PayPal, Payza, or AlertPay. also runs a referral program wherein you can earn a flat 20% commission for each referral for a lifetime.
        3. BLV.ME

          BLV.ME is one of the most trusted URL shortener sites.It pays high CPM rate.You can earn $10 for every 1000 views.One worst thing about is its referral system.
          They only offer 5% referral commission which is very much low.You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $10.You can claim your amount through Payza, Bank Transfer or Skrill.
          • The payout for 1000 views-$10
          • Minimum payout-$10
          • Referral commission-5%
          • Payout options-Payza, Skrill, and bank transfer
          • Payment time-at the end of the month


 is a newly launched trusted link shortener network, it is a sister site of I like ClkSh because it accepts multiple views from same visitors. If any one searching for Top and best url shortener service then i recommend this url shortener to our users. accepts advertisers and publishers from all over the world. It offers an opportunity to all its publishers to earn money and advertisers will get their targeted audience for cheapest rate. While writing ClkSh was offering up to $8 per 1000 visits and its minimum cpm rate is $1.4. Like Shrinkearn, url shorteners also offers some best features to all its users, including Good customer support, multiple views counting, decent cpm rates, good referral rate, multiple tools, quick payments etc. ClkSh offers 30% referral commission to its publishers. It uses 6 payment methods to all its users.
          • Payout for 1000 Views: Upto $8
          • Minimum Withdrawal: $5
          • Referral Commission: 30%
          • Payment Methods: PayPal, Payza, Skrill etc.
          • Payment Time: Daily

        5. Petty Link

          Shorten URLs and earn money with Petty Link which is one of the best URL Shortening for earning money online.
          Getting started is easy. You need to create an account, shorten your link, and start earning money. Petty is one of the best ways to earn extra money.
          You get to make money from home when managing and protecting your link. Using the Petty Link tool, you can create short links. What's best, you get paid. It's a completely free tool.
          You have to create an account, create a link, and post it. For every visit, you earn money. The payout is as much as $12 per 1000 views. Plus, you can get 21% Referral Bonus.
          It has the Petty Link Referral Program. Refer friends and receive 21% of their earnings for life.
          Its featured Administration Panel allows you to control all of the features with a click of a button. It offers detailed stats. You get to know your audience.
          It has a low minimum payout. You need to earn only $5.00 before you are paid. Payment method is PayPal. Moreover, Petty offers the highest rates.
          Plus, it has a dedicated support team to help you out in case you have any questions or issues.

 is also one of the best URL sites.It is a trusted site.You can earn simply by registering for an account.It's fast and free!then you can Find URLs you would like to monetize and shorten your links.You just have to Share your shortened links and drive traffic to your content.
          Then Earn money by sharing in the advertising revenues for each real visit to your links!You can earn $5 for 1000 views.Minimum payout is $5.You can earn extra money by their referral system.They offer 15% as a referral program.
          • Payout for 1000-$5
          • Minimum payout-$5
          • Referral commission-15%
          • Payment method-PayPal
          • Payment time-start of every month.

        7. Linkshrink

          Linkshrink URL Shortener Service provides you an opportunity to monetize links that you go on the Internet. Linkshrink comes as one of the most trusted URL Shortener Service. It provides an advanced reporting system so that you can easily track the performance of your shortened links. You can use Linkshrink to shorten your long URL. With Linkshrink, you can earn anywhere from $3 to $10 per 1000 views.
          Linkshrink provides lots of customization options. For example, you can change URL or have some custom message other than the usual "Skip this Ad" message for increasing your link clicks and views on the ad. Linkshrink also offers a flat $25 commission on your referrals. The minimum payout with Linkshrink is $5. It pays you through PayPal, Payza, or Bitcoin.

 is another very popular and most trusted URL Shortening Company. comes as a user-friendly URL Shortener Service with many creative options for making money by monetizing the links you share. provides you an opportunity to earn from $5 to $15 per 1000 views for promoting their shortened links.
          For WordPress Bloggers, brings its WordPress Plugin which will help you greatly to boost your earnings. has a low minimum payout of $5.
          The payment is credited automatically on the 10th of each month. The payment methods include PayPal, Payoneer, and WebMoney. It also presents a referral earning opportunity wherein you can earn 20% commission on referrals for a lifetime.

 is one of the fastest growing URL Shortener Service. Its pretty domain name is helpful in generating more clicks than other URL Shortener Services, and so you get a good opportunity for earning more money out of your shortened link. comes with several advanced features as well as customization options.
          With you can earn up to $8 per 1000 views. It also counts multiple views from same IP or person. With is becomes easy to earn money using its URL Shortener Service. The minimum payout is $5. Your earnings are automatically credited to your PayPal or Payoneer account on 1st or 15th of the month.
          • Payout for every 1000 views-$5
          • Minimum payout-$5
          • Referral commission-20%
          • Payout time-1st and 15th date of the month
          • Payout options-PayPal and Payza

        10. Linkbucks

          Linkbucks is another best and one of the most popular sites for shortening URLs and earning money. It boasts of high Google Page Rank as well as very high Alexa rankings. Linkbucks is paying $0.5 to $7 per 1000 views, and it depends on country to country.
          The minimum payout is $10, and payment method is PayPal. It also provides the opportunity of referral earnings wherein you can earn 20% commission for a lifetime. Linkbucks runs advertising programs as well.
          • The payout for 1000 views-$3-9
          • Minimum payout-$10
          • Referral commission-20%
          • Payment options-PayPal,Payza,and Payoneer
          • Payment-on the daily basis


 is one of the old URL shortener sites.It is a legit site.You just have open an account free.You can earn from this like other URL shortener companies.It offers the good CPM rate for all countries traffic.
          You can earn $4.65 for every 1000 views.The minimum payout rate is $5.ther offer 10% referral commission.PayPal and Payza are payment methods of
          • The payout for 1000 views-$4.65
          • Minimum payout-$5
          • Referral commission-10%
          • Payout methods-Payza and Paypal
          • Payment time-Biweekly

        12. LINK.TL

          LINK.TL is one of the best and highest URL shortener website.It pays up to $16 for every 1000 views.You just have to sign up for free.You can earn by shortening your long URL into short and you can paste that URL into your website, blogs or social media networking sites, like facebook, twitter, and google plus etc.
          One of the best thing about this site is its referral system.They offer 10% referral commission.You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $5.
          • Payout for 1000 views-$16
          • Minimum payout-$5
          • Referral commission-10%
          • Payout methods-Paypal, Payza, and Skrill
          • Payment time-daily basis

        Thursday, June 21, 2018

        18 Hacking Websites & forums - Underground hacker sites

        • Black Hat: The Black Hat Briefings have become the biggest and the most important security conference series in the world by sticking to our core value: serving the information security community by delivering timely, actionable security information in a friendly, vendor-neutral environment.
        • Packet Storm: Information Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers.
        • Hack Forums: Emphasis on white hat, with categories for hacking, coding and computer security.
        • Hakin9: E-magazine offering in-depth looks at both attack and defense techniques and concentrates on difficult technical issues.
        • Makezine: Magazine that celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will.
        • SecTools.Org: List of 75 security tools based on a 2003 vote by hackers.
        • Metasploit: Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit. Get the worlds best penetration testing software now.
        • HackRead: HackRead is a News Platform that centers on InfoSec, Cyber Crime, Privacy, Surveillance, and Hacking News with full-scale reviews on Social Media Platforms.
        • Phrack Magazine: Digital hacking magazine.
        • NFOHump: Offers up-to-date .NFO files and reviews on the latest pirate software releases.
        • Hackaday: A hardware hack every day.
        • Exploit DB: An archive of exploits and vulnerable software by Offensive Security. The site collects exploits from submissions and mailing lists and concentrates them in a single database.
        • Hacked Gadgets: A resource for DIY project documentation as well as general gadget and technology news.
        • Offensive Security Training: Developers of Kali Linux and Exploit DB, and the creators of the Metasploit Unleashed and Penetration Testing with Kali Linux course.
        • SecurityFocus: Provides security information to all members of the security community, from end users, security hobbyists and network administrators to security consultants, IT Managers, CIOs and CSOs.
        • The Hacker News: The Hacker News — most trusted and widely-acknowledged online cyber security news magazine with in-depth technical coverage for cybersecurity.
        • KitPloit: Leading source of Security Tools, Hacking Tools, CyberSecurity and Network Security.
        • DEFCON: Information about the largest annual hacker convention in the US, including past speeches, video, archives, and updates on the next upcoming show as well as links and other details.

        Friday, June 1, 2018


        Web server security can be divided into two broad categories: testing the server for common vulnerabilities and testing the Web application. A Web server should be configured according to this checklist before it is deployed on the Internet: Secure network configuration, Secure host configuration, Secure Web server configuration. Hacking and PenteTest.


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