Tuesday, April 7, 2009


---------- Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 03:35:06 +0300
Subject: Hi.
To: dirrtymistress101.secretWord@blogger.com

I want to write in short hand today. While exploring the latest topic
on everyone's lips today- the economy.
Exactly a year ago, I was working in some Media hse in Nai. This job
wasn't glamorous,but it paid my bills. Plus, I was so 'corporate
chic'. Then one day, I left work and went with WG at klub house,
He wanted to talk.
Personally, I never 'want to talk'. I just talk. So, he wanted to talk.
After tea and bittings, we placed our cups on the Lexus dash board,
and he told me that someone wants to destroy him. That he had received
damaging info. Abt me,that could be devastating.
Then he proceeds to say the person was the secretary,who was overheard
by someone else,at some pub, saying WG has a clande,who works there.
Bull. Then, I knew it was a lie. So, I started recording, to avoid
another Carol on phone incident. Refer to previous blog!
He went ahead and said a lot of true stuff, bt whatever wasn't was an
absolute lie!
Then I discovered something...the fucker was paying someone to spy on me!

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