Wednesday, December 7, 2011

LinkedIn Network Updates, 12/07/2011

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Network Updates, Nov 30 - Dec 7
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Murtaza Alibhai (@murtaza83) Check Out: Award for Woman Fired for Helping Sick Dog via Twitter
Joseph Bonyo (@JBonyo) RT @HuffingtonPost: Breaking: S&P may downgrade the entire European Union via Twitter
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Standard & Poor's has placed the European Union's AAA credit rating on negative watch, according to Business Insider. Bloomberg News reports that S&P has also placed banking groups across the eurozone on negative watch.
Michael Omare (@mikeymushi) Sharp AQUOS SH-01D’s optical image stabilizer hands-on (video) #tecTrendAfrica #Kenya via Twitter
Ben Bellows (@benbellows) RT @april_harding: Why? Supp chains in even most-public OECD health systems run privately-yet, Glob Fd only supports public distn #ps4h via Twitter
Global Fund: reform needed to regain credibility
The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, one of the major funders for HIV/Aids programmes around the world, is facing an unprecedented moment of crisis as it announced last week that it has run out of funding to...
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