Saturday, June 23, 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 6/23/2012

Network Updates, Jun 16 - Jun 23
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Alifiyah Ganijee
Google I/O Extended 2012
Wednesday, June 27th June to Friday, 29th June – 6pm to 9pm(final times determined based upon Google I/O Schedule) Join us for Google I/O Extended at MEWA IT Centre, right before MEWA Hospital.  Google I/O helps connect with...
Michael Omare Google’s Turing doodle celebrates his genius, reminds us how dumb we are (video)
Evarita Kamau Tips for new businesses
A Common Personal Finance Mistake New 'Treps Make
Start­ing a busi­ness affects your life in many ways out­side of work, in par­tic­u­lar the way you man­age your per­son­al finances. One of the biggest mis­takes new entre­pre­neurs make is not keep­ing their per­son­al and busi­ness finances...
Kilele Foundation Kenya One of our Our mission is to raise awareness and promote education about all types of cancer. Join
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