Tuesday, September 10, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 9/10/2013

Network Updates, Sep 3 - Sep 10
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Florence Lukhumwa
Florence Lukhumwa American Refugee Committee is looking for: Senior Program Manager
Senior Program Manager
Senior Program Manager
POSITION TITLE: Senior Program Manager DEPARTMENT OR COUNTRY PROGRAM: Jordan/Syria RESPONSIBLE TO: Director of International...
Cyrus Mbugua
Cyrus Mbugua get a free groupon of pure garcinia cambogia, according to Dr oz this stuff is great to stay healthy :) http://tinyurl.com/p58o4bb
One FREE Bottle of Pure Garcinia Cambogia Weight-Loss Supplement.
One FREE Bottle of Pure Garcinia Cambogia Weight-Loss Supplement.
Garcinia Cambogia has been surprisingly well-researched with a dozen different clinical trials carried out over the years. Time and time again, the research reveals the power Garcinia Cambogia has for fat loss and the creation of healthy eating...
Alexandra Rutishauser
Alexandra Rutishauser Helping women getting empowered to focus more on agriculture and starting their own business instead of the usual vocational trainings ... "Women account for nearly half of the world’s smallholder farmers in developing countries, according to some estimates, and they increasingly make up the majority of farmers in places where men have moved to cities in search of work. But they also often don’t have recognized rights to the land they till. Most access land through their husbands or sons, plant in areas where property is communal, or work as day laborers on large collectives."
Why women should own their land
Why women should own their land
When women own the land they till, families tend to be better fed, better educated and healthier. Here's why land matters for women — and what the international community can do to help.
Okoti Aluora
Okoti Aluora http://lnkd.in/wB7gmh
By Launching Uwezo Fund We haven't empowered Youth and Women So far.
In the recent past this country has been excited about the official launch of Uwezo fund by the president H.E. U. Kenyatta. Let me join others in congratulating you Mr. President, congratulations! However, it is high time we ask ourselves, are the...
How about these people? Grace Musyoka
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