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October 31st is always a time for scares. Two friends in high school, Millie and Cole decide to go to a graveyard to spend there Halloween night in 1990, what could go wrong? At Cole's house there watching movies while his parents are trick-or-treating with his little sister Sally. Millie is fine with staying at his house all night watching horror movies, but Cole has something else in mind. 3 movies in and it is already 10 p.m. Cole's parents are back and his sister is passed out on the couch from all the candy she ate. Millie puts on another movie as Cole watches from the couch on his phone waiting to see what she put on. When he hears music he looks up to see 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' playing. He looks at Millie and rolls his eyes, "really? this movie why?" Cole asks while smirking. Millie smiles and says "why not? we've already watched 3 scary movies, scared your sister with one of them, and anyways it's my turn to pick the movie since you picked the other 3" Millie stats while pointing a finger at him.

At the end of the 4th movie Cole is ready to leave, so he gets up and drags Millie with him. "Where are we going" asked Millie, "Were going out, don't worry it will be fun" Cole replys. Halfway to the cemetery Cole wants to go to Millie gets suspicious about the area knowing exactly where there heading. "Cole im not going to the cemetery at midnight" Mille says worriedly "Oh you'll be fine it's not like anything will happen" Cole says more excited than ever. "Its a cemetery Cole, have you never seen pet sematary, or Night of the living dead!" Millie states. "Stop being such a wussCole says, Millie stops talking and tries to not be scared.

When they get there Millie automatically wants to leave, but Cole doesn't let her. "Come on Millie you don't want to leave me here alone do you?" Millie stays quiet for a second before answering "Well I guess not...fine i'll stay" Millie dramatically says while rolling her eyes. Millie keeps her head up and carefully listens incase anything were to happen. Cole reads the gravestones as they walk down. One catches his eyes a little more down from where he stands. Millie isn't paying attention when he leaves as she's turned around looking at a tree she saw move. When she turns back around and sees Cole is gone she freaks out looking everywhere.

Cole goes to the grave he saw and reads the name 'Zack Payton' it reads. But the thing that's off is that it looks like it has been disturbed and has a blanket and pillow, he gets brought back out of his thoughts to Millie yelling at him. "You left me alone how could you!" She yells at him, "Millie calm down, i'm sorry I got distracted. She calms down a little but is still shooking up from that.

Cole looks back at the grave and the grave wondering why there's bedding. They hear something behind them, they both pray it isn't what they think it is. Cole slowly turns around to see a tall man in all black standing behind Millie. Cole's eyes widen as he grabs Millie's wrist pulling her behind him. She sees what he's looking at and almost starts screaming but she's in such shock she cant even move. Cole looks to the side yo see a branch, 'it won't be the best but it might work' He thought. He goes to grab it, but the man grabs it before him. Cole is still holding Millies wrist as he pulls her with him trying to get out of the cemetery.

Millie new it was a bad idea to go there and she was right. As they run the man isn't to far behind them, Millie is still in shock not knowing what's happening. The man isn't to fast, but Cole doesn't know what to do so he's jogging instead of running for his life. If Millie wasn't there he would be out of the graveyard all ready but he doesn't want to scare her more than she already is. Cole looks behind him to see the guy is gone, he slows down and looks for something to grab. To his luck he finds a metal rod, he runs to it and hides with Millie behind a grave. There both out of breath, but they are both trying to be as quiet as they can be. Once they catch their breath they hear footsteps. Millie tries not to cry when she hears this, while Cole is figuring out what to do.

Cole jumps up and hits the guy in the head with the rod. Millie goes to find something to protect herself, she remembers she has pepper spray and a switchblade in her small backpack. Millie grabs both and runs back to Cole, when she gets there she sees the man on top of Cole with something on his neck. She runs over and stabs the guy in the side. immediately the guy grabs his side as Millie grabs Cole. The man looks at Millie and lunges at them but she pepper sprays him. He falls to the ground, and Millie runs with Cole out of the cemetery. As soon as they leave Millie calls the cops telling them what happened. When the cops get there they arrest the man who is known as the brother of Zack Payton, Zane Payton. Millie turns to Cole and playfully hits him "I told you it was a bad idea to go to the cemetery" Millie says acting mad, "Yeah, yeah whatever it was still an adventure" Cole says while smirking. Millie laughs as they walk back to Cole's house to explain to his parents why they were out until 3 am. When they get to Cole's house they see the lights on and look at each other knowing they will get scolded for being out so late. Now they know not to listen to Cole's crazy ideas.

?Don't do anything on a dare.? That's what Tom's older , and acknowledged much wiser brother Frank had told him more than just once throughout his life. But this dare, Tom hoped, would win him some of the respect he had long lacked from his fellow 15 year-old classmates at school.

The dare wasn't for Halloween night, as they figured there would be too many people there in the night, especially other teenagers. So Tom and his buddy Stan were going to spend the entire night, eight to six in a local cemetery on Friday, a week before that of Halloween. It was the largest, and by far the oldest cemetery in town. The first graves were from the early 19th century. So, of course it had gathered in its lonely lot stories of being haunted be the ghosts of those who were buried there. Tom and Stan's peers had told them such stories. So, as his elder brother would have said, there was no good reason to believe what had been told to him. They had a diabolical purpose in their story telling

Both boys had misinformed their parents that they would be staying at the other boy's place for the night, and that they would be sleeping in a tent in the backyard of the other boy's house. As both boys were relatively quiet and never got into any trouble, as far as they knew, this sounded fine to both sets of parents.  They were glad that the boys were finally ?getting out more.'


Thursday Night Plotting

It was the Thursday night before the Friday vigil, and ?the boys' were in the basement at Ricky's place. They were planning what they would do the next night, to scare Tom and Stan, hoping that their intended victims would ?pee themselves' in terror. The flavour of their nefarious ideas was spiced with a little drugs (the windows were open, and a fan was on) and a little alcohol (screwdrivers with lots of orange juice). Ricky and Brad would execute the plan that they had come up with. Too many people would spoil the shock and surprise. Their main tools would be yellow raincoats, slicked up hair, well-practiced scary zombie voices, and vampire makeup ?borrowed' from Brad's sister, Elaine. They told their parents the same lie as Tom and Stan had theirs. 



The Night of the Graveyard Vigil


It is the night of the graveyard vigil The sun has set. There are few clouds to dim the light of the nearly full moon that illuminates the way that the two boys take to enter the cemetery. Tom is leading Stan to the place where they will be spending the night. It is a special place for him, somewhere where he can feel somewhat safe and protected. He had come here often during the past few months, but only in the day.

The two boys are sitting down now, with their backs to the gravestone, looking into the night sky. They are soon talked-out, so no words are being spoken. That enables Tom and Stan to hear anyone approaching them during late hours of the night. They had expected this and had talked about it. They had figured the boys might try to give them a ?good scare'. They have a kind of plan as to what they will do in response. Laughing and identifying the spooks seemed right to them. Tom's older brother Frank had repeatedly told him that in stressful situations, he should always have a plan, maybe two. The two teenagers had packed a few things in their backpacks just in case they might have an opportunity to spook-back any costumed intruders.


The Spooking

Two figures are walking in the night. No signs of legs are apparent in their movement forward, but then they appear to be wearing long flowing robes white in colour. They seem to be coasting between the gravestones as they move through the cemetery. They resemble Dracula's wives in that way, as the early Goth ladies were depicted in a number of old movies.  There is a dull glow all about them, like moonbeams have been invisibly stitched into their clothes.

As this is going on, the two teenage boys intended as their scare targets are moving in their direction, not knowing that there is soon going to be a confrontation. And it will involve what they would not have suspected.

The two boys are approaching the gravestone that is the vigil-sitting resting place of Tom and Stan. Although they would never, ever use the word, or say that that was what they were doing, the two boys were giggling in anticipation. They can't wait to see the expressions of their victim's faces. 

The four travelling figures now see each other. Two of them stop in their tracks, while the other two keep on moving directly towards them. The ones in motion do not appear to look like what the others expected. One is significantly taller and definitely bulkier, while the other is somewhat slender and female-looking. 

 Ricky and Brad then get the shock of their young lives. The two approaching them begin to glow, and to float about a yard off of the cemetery ground. Ricky shouts out, ?These are real ghosts. Let's get out of here.? They both turn and run as fast as their legs can take them. Ricky trips and falls, barely missing a gravestone, but gets up as quickly as if he had landed on bouncy castle. They are soon gone, not stopping until they are in the safety of their homes.

The two figures who had spooked them lose their glow, and touch down on the ground. They the smaller one seeps into the gravestone underneath which their bodies are buried. The larger one stays above the ground longer, as he has something to say to his younger brother.

           ?I always told you that you should never do anything on a dare? Tom nods his head in silent agreement, with a slight smile on his face. Frank grins back at him and his spirit form descends into the ground beside the gravestone that Tom had rested his back on  His hero, his brother, had died in a car accident, along with his wife Sally almost exactly one year earlier. Tom had often visited their gravesite whenever he felt he needed some support. Again, his brother did not fail him, just like in life.

           Meanwhile Ricky and Brad arrived separately at their homes. Both hoped that they would not have to explain to their parents why they were not where they said they had been, why they were breathing heavily, and, most importantly to the boys, why the front of their pants was a little wet.

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