Monday, November 24, 2008

Well, well, well! What have we here?

Things are rather looking up for me today!!! I am scheduled to meet my lawyer, who will help me get rid of all my problems for the day. He is not the kind of lawyer who does these sorts of things, but his wife is a very good christian and she has said she can help, ergo, the hubby would help, and so, I am kinda wondering how to dress for the occassion.
Before leaving, I come across my boss, who is very very concerned about my lack of smiles.... I try to force a smile, he is a great man, and not many great men are capable of real relations.
So, my lawyer, hence known as Mr. X calls me. he is very nice today and I cant help but smile on the phone. surely, men these nice are a dying breed. He confirms that I ca meet him after work, say, 6.30pm, and my protests as to the lateness of the hour go unheeded. YES! things are certainly looking up.
A little past 6.45pm, well, a gal has to he fashionably late, I take the lifts to the 6th flr. He is waiting, wait a minute!!! He is lying on the sofa, those big brown leather sofas in those executive law offices that just state: Money!!!
I smile, and he asks:
"How is the Great Lady, N?"
I don't know if it is a question, so i smile and he motions for me to sit.
He has this nice fragrance, a real snuggle scent, but this is my lawyer, and I take the opposite seat and relax nervously.
I am in one of those i cant believe this is happening to me kind of moods, and he offers juice and biscuits. Yes, Juice and biscuits, and I am at loss for words. But I take it, and he goes out of his way to reassure me.
Kindly, we talk, we talk, and talk.
Now, not very often do I have to chat with a man as highly profiled as this. He is a keen listener, kind words, and very very very intelligent. And he loves football, something I love.
Funny thing is, I forgot why I am here. I realize that is bad, but a 60 year old man, carrying on like this is... well, just an out of this world experience.
At last, he gets on to the reason as to why I am here. Gently, he asks me to sit next to him. I do not smell a rat at first, because, surely, he wouldn't... Could he? In this office? In the office? Where? Shit!!!!
I stare blankly at him, until he confirms to me. Yes, he wants me to sit next to him, why? I am not afraid, Am I? I react conditionally, and say I am not scared, and move straight up to him and he breaths slowly...
I lean back and shiver, not fear, not anxiety!!! I am terrorized by the thought of this old geezer asking for sexual favours, just to help me... Even if it means the end of my world as I know it, I shall NOT have sex with such an old man, a man whose wife refered me to, a man I respect.
Goodness, he served me Juice and Buscuits... But then there is the leather sofa, but, still.. HELL NO!!

XOXO, Dirrty Mistress

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