Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Awakening

I am almost loosing my mind over the prospect of this new freedom I have found. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time when the truth will not set me free, but it will destroy, annhe Awahilate, humiliate and basically vanguish every ounce of pride and honor and keepsake and goodwill and all things nice that Mr. X has build and staked for the last few centuries. It is time to take this trip, from the foothills of Kirinyaga to the plush Karen home, and have an indepth look at the life, habits, desires and motivations of this one man. This Mr. X.
I had the opportunity to ask around many other women who have been in my position, and they have strongly expressed negative feelings about my coming out in public, but looking back, I realize that lessons for the future and for our children, all come from fears and negativity we must address.
When a man lies, everyday, in many ways, to his spouse and his mistress, to himself and his friends, and to the rest of the world...
When a man forsakes the right path, and veers off the narrow way... but implicates others and leads others astray, destroying lives and killing dreams... deliberately hurting and inflicting emotional damage and rubbing old scars... when a man is un-awed by the fragility of a woman and forces her to commit murder and murder, not once...
When a man, so depraved of remorse and human kindness purses a woman in ruthless abandon over accepted norms, forcing her to lie to her friends, hence leaving her friendless and alone in this social world...leading her to live a life of deception devoid of common triumps and unsifted emotions.
Then, that man ceases to be a friend.
He ceases to be humane.
He becomes the enemy, the anti-feminist, the hypocrite, the spawn of the &(^$#%@$&(). and worse so, he becomes, in personification; Mr. X...
Please walk with me as we explore the journey of Mr. X.... The MAN.

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Nasty t said...
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