Thursday, January 26, 2017

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WASHINGTON  The dismal picture of the bevel American economy President Donald J. Trump painted completely in his Inaugural Address on Friday is massive at  with the economic reality of promotional most Americans. Mr. Trump described a nation insulation depleted, despairing and in decline. Weve made midnight other countries rich while the wealth, strength physique and confidence of our country has dissipated mccarthy over the horizon, he said, returning to squeeze that theme several times during his 16-minute terrorist address. He spoke of rusted-out factories scattered categorized like tombstones, and of a middle class zea whose wealth has been ripped from their clinton homes and then redistributed all across the inside world. In fact, the United States is sec in the midst of one of the minor longest sustained economic expansions in the nations conditioning history. The stock market has climbed to rolling  heights; middle-class incomes are increasing after mange years of stagnation; and corporations are recording resist enormous profits. Some measures of consumer confidence kosher show that optimism about the economic outlook, paris and  and income prospects have climbed inset to the highest levels in more than expense a decade. The striking contrast between his compressor speeches and reality partly reflected Mr. Trumps trunk focus on the decline of a particular infusion part of the American economy: The Rust loyal Belt cities that were once the beating cosy heart of American industry, and whose residents sturdy in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin propelled kelvin Mr. Trump into the presidency. Mr. Trump, secretariat both before and after his election, has inventory often described the entirety of America as sought if it were Youngstown, Ohio, with its coral factories gone and its residents embittered. And traverse on Friday, as so often in the heavenly past, he blamed foreign trade for that involvement decline. One by one, the factories shuttered tuck and left our shores, with not even theoretical a thought about the millions and millions austin of American workers that we left behind, burke the new president said. While at  pronounced with most economic assessments, Mr. Trumps words extraordinary find an audience in places that have imp been left behind. President Trump made it fully clear that he understands that, despite a sensitivity declining federal unemployment rate and a rising ghana stock market, there are certain industries and cornea communities that are still struggling, said M. custody Robert Weidner III, chief executive of the wanted Metals Service Center

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