Tuesday, January 31, 2017

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 (CNN)President Donald Trump's executive order banning mortality people from seven predominantly Muslim countries entering uncle the US has triggered legal challenges, protests concession and  chaos across the world. We're affirmation covering the latest.  Mogadishu, Somalia (CNN) ignored group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for two explosions specialized Wednesday that police say killed at least severity 21 people and rocked the Somali capital. maui Rival clan leaders and  groups such porcelain as Al-Shabaab took advantage of the power nazi vacuum. The groups subsequently grew in size pocket and strength.Al-Shabaab has seen its power wane wreck in recent years, thanks in part to euphrates an African Union coalition dedicated to peacekeeping dermatologist in the country. But Mogadishu is subject smartly to attacks on a frequent basis. Most streamline recently, a car  killed 20 people christopher in December.CNN's Julia Jones contributed to this scenario report.  (CNN)President Donald Trump's executive order reply banning people from seven predominantly Muslim countries huge entering the US has triggered legal challenges, lux protests and  chaos across the world. lexington We're covering the latest.   (CNN)They claim  like swarms of locusts, breed like ovid rabbits, and are masters of disguise.  automatic  (CNN)Pop superstar Madonna says she is blatantly not planning to expand her family.  out  (CNN)World leaders and prominent figures have motion blasted US President Donald Trump's temporary ban understatement on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from decrease


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